Monday, August 5, 2013

The Power of Hope

Guard your heart above all else...Prov. 4

These are words that I learned to live by in the early years of my marriage because I wanted to be faithful to my wife and we live in a world filled with moral compromise.  Instructions to safeguard my thought life are even more important to me today since I was diagnosed with what is called an "incurable and progressive" disease. My doctor told me that I had Parkinson's Disease about 20 months ago.  Since then I've also had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery.  Every time I go to the doctor's office they ask me how I'm doing with depression and I tell them I'm not depressed, although I could live there if I wanted to.

Apparently most people who are facing a battle like mine give in to depression a great deal of the time, but I have been fortunate to have spent most of my life teaching positive motivational principles in church, and in the business world.

If you are facing Parkinson's, Cancer, or Heart Disease you really need the power of a positive attitude to work for you.  It is my earnest prayer that as we walk through our own individual battles, whatever they may be, we can help one another to do just that.

The day the doctor told me I had P.D., hopelessness tried to swallow me up, but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday.  I have started several churches from scratch and managed my own sales organizations all of my adult life so I have made a JOB of overcoming negatives.

I've learned to guard my heart.  I won't sit around and think about the negative "what if's." It's vital that we focus on the positives if we are going to declare war on depression.  If we don't see any positives in our future then we must focus on positives from our past.  We all have a little screen room in our mind's eye that plays coming attractions.  We must find positive stuff to feed our heart and mind.  It's out here if we only look for it.  Every day that I go to the gym I'm grateful that I can still go.  I'm not where I want to be yet but I am getting better a little bit every week.

We can meet here, in this blogspot, everyday and find positive attitude food.  Enjoy the journey, I'm sure as hell going to!

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