Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Food from a window

I once weighed 265 lbs, but today I tipped the scale at 177.  My waist grew to 42 inches and now it's 34.  Over these past 2 years I was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, and had quadruple by-pass heart surgery.  I was a slow learner, but I think I am finally learning some important things about how to eat healthy.  Here is an important lesson to learn.  You'll probably never get healthy if you don't cook.  The only way to know the actual ingredients that are in anything is to make it yourself.  Too often we are wondering if there is any sugar in something, or how much butter but if you cooked it yourself you would know already.

I know that this is radical.  The idea of actually preparing our own food is not very popular here in America today.  Our highways are filled with restaurants, and fast (very unhealthy) food.  Our grocery stores have much more prepackaged, preprocessed, and frozen food than actual fresh food.  We learned years ago the importance of spending most of your time in the outer isles at the grocery store.  Instead of buying something made by someone else, why not take the time to use fresh ingredients and a little time to put together a meal yourself?  Make a promise to yourself to no longer eat food that gets handed to you through a window.  Now go live a healthy life.

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