Thursday, June 27, 2013

Large chain admits to misleading consumers

Not all protein is created equal.  Years ago  the Atkins diet was the rage here in America because it allowed you to eat as much meat as you wanted.  You could load up your breakfast plate with bacon, sausage, and eggs as long as you didn't eat toast, potatoes, or grits.  I loved this diet.  I love crispy bacon and will go ape on a good steak off the grill.  I even lost some weight but finally gave it up when my doctor became alarmed at my rising cholesterol.  Apparently consuming large quantities isn't good for your health, as my recent heart attack can attest to. (3 months ago)

I stopped consuming meat almost completely 5 months ago and have lost 30 pounds and 6 inches off my waist.  So I was really shocked to hear the news yesterday about Taco Bell.  It seems that the general public is starting to balk at buying their meat heavy food so they came up with a new marketing idea.  Instead of using the words beef, or chicken they are going to start selling it under a new "power protein" portion of their menu.  They aren't making it any healthier, just using different words.  It will still be the same artery clogging, fat building, heart stopping, unhealthy food it has always been.  They must think that the average american is just stupid.  I'm hoping that they are wrong, and you can count on me and thousands of others to continue to bring you the truth about what we are eating.

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