Saturday, June 15, 2013

Maybe you need a dog?

I read recently that older people live a healthier life if they own a dog.  It seems that our bodies operate better and longer when we aren't alone.  Apparently God had it right when He said that "it is not good that man is alone."  If you don't have a spouse then apparently you can get a good dog.  The point is don't live your life alone and isolated.  Isolation makes us weird and we don't even know it.  I used to sell insurance in rural Nebraska and I've met my share of old bachelor farmers, and have experienced first hand just how cranky they can be.   There is a good reason that someone coined the phrase "grumpy old men."   I've walked into farm houses that had newspapers and magazines stacked a foot high on every flat surface in sight, along with a weeks worth of pots and pans in the sink.  None of these guys had a wife anywhere around, and had no idea that they were strange.  We all need someone to share our life with if we want to live a healthy well adjusted life.  It's actually not good for me to get my way all the time.  It's actually good for me not to always control the TV remote all.  So begin to look for ways to share your life, reduce your stress, have some fun, and live a long life.

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