Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not a disease

I saw on the news this morning that the American Medical Association has just now classified obesity as a disease.  There is truth and a lie built together in one statement.  I think it's obvious to anyone with eyes in their head that Americans, as a group are incredibly overweight.  Never before in our history have so many pounds hung over so many belts.  We don't need to test our percentage of body fat to know that we consume way more than we need.  I spent many years carrying 265 lbs on my 5 foot 10 inch frame and no one had to tell me that I was overweight.

Today I weigh 177 lbs and work out at the club 5 days a week.  I'm 58 years old and am spending the second half of my life focused on getting strong and healthy.  I didn't have a disease, I just had flawed thinking.  I told myself that it was not that bad to eat the way I did.  I told myself that I had gotten enough exercise when I was younger, and that I should enjoy my recliner and remote control.  When I got out of college I quit moving and kept eating.  There is no pill a doctor can prescribe to cure stinking thinking.  Habits do matter, and we, here in America, are letting our bad habits kill us.

Happy meals will only create unhappiness if eaten often enough, so change your thinking and live a healthy life.

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