Monday, July 8, 2013


There are vultures out there.  A vulture (my definition) is anyone who is trying to make a profit on someone else's pain or misfortune.  I am writing this blog because I have gone through a tremendous health crisis over these past 18 months.  A parkinson's diagnosis forced me to reconsider my life's work ,sell our farm, and move to town.  My doctor told me that stress was contributing to the progression of the symptoms of this disease and so if I wanted to get better I had to make some pretty radical changes.  Then 4 months ago I had a heart attack and quadruple bypass heart surgery.  So you won't be surprised to hear that I am trying to learn everything that I can about reclaiming my health, but I have discovered that there are many vultures out there.  Many ads on TV and the web say that they want to help those with health problems, but the truth is that they just want to take advantage of our difficult circumstances and to make a large profit at our expense.  We are spending millions every year buying someone else's new easy and quick weight loss or exercise program.  Our homes are littered with exercise equipment that didn't produce the promised life change.  We buy all this stuff from people we thought wanted to help us but really just take advantage of our pain.  They are vultures and I hope that you will begin to recognize them and avoid them.    

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